

How Thunderbolt is formed?

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Posted on: June 20, 2011

How Thunderbolt is formed?



We can see the lightning and thunders when there is more movement of the clouds in the sky. People say that there is thunderbolt when there is more sound from the thunders. When the clouds hit each other, electricity will be generated and when this electricity is generated, the air in the surroundings will be heated. We can hear the thunders as the hot air touches the cool air. At the same time, the electricity generated will reach to the top places like hills. This is called as thunderbolt. So, people should remember that thunderbolt is not the result of falling of anything or any solid. To prevent the thunderbolts, people place lightning conductors on tall buildings. When there are chances of thunderbolts, people should sleep on the floor and they should not roam outside. We can hear the thunders after few seconds after seeing the lightning. Reason for this is light speed is more than the sound speed.

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