

Why Sun is in Yellow Color when all the Stars are in White Color?

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Posted on: June 6, 2011

Why Sun is in Yellow Color when all the Stars are in White Color?



Sun is also one of the stars and it is in big size as it near to the earth. Most of the stars are bigger than the sun in size. There will be two types of cells in the eyes which are called as cones and rods. Cones are the cells which absorb the light and rods are cells which detect the difference between light and darkness. Rods are very sensitive than cones and so during the evening time and night time, rods can’t recognize the colors as the darkness will increase. So, most of the stars will appear in white color at the night. Sun will be appeared in yellow color in the day time and some powerful stars will appear in colors at the night time also. Temperature of the starts can be known with the help of light emitted from it. Temperature of the stars is more than the temperature of the sun when they emit red light. Stars which are in blue color are having less temperature.

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