

Scrap Museums to Explain Ways to Utilize Scrap

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Posted on: April 11, 2011

Scrap Museums to Explain Ways to Utilize Scrap | ‘Garbage Museum’ of England Have 57,000 Visitors per Year

‘Garbage Museum’ of EnglandThe only scrap museums of the world are located in America and England. These museums gather scrap from towns and make various designs and useful things by recycling it. The visitors can gain much knowledge about the ways to differentiate scrap, to recycle it and to make many useful things from the scrap.

A voluntary organization was formed in America in 1973. The aim of this organization was to clean up the roads and surroundings by removing scrap. Later it got the ides of forming a museum. Thus they have formed the ‘Trash Museum’ in America and the ‘Garbage Museum’ Stratford of England.

The Garbage Museum consists of a Large Statue of a Dinosaur made with one ton scrap. This has been made with one specifically to indicate the fact that a normal human creates garbage of one ton pen year on an average. This museum also conducts treasure hunt games and distributes prizes on finding out the stated kind of scrap hidden in the museum.

The administrative staff of the museum conducts conventions for students on Environment. They also teach students the making statues, toys and other things with scrap. A total of 57,000 people visits these scrap museums on an average per a year.

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