

Why does the ice covered in wool cloth does not dissolve quickly? | Wool is a bad conductor of heat and it stops the heat energy from flowing to the ice

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Posted on: November 15, 2010

Why does the ice covered in wool cloth does not dissolve quickly? | Wool is a bad conductor of heat and it stops the heat energy from flowing to the ice

ice covered in wool clothWhy does the ice covered in wool cloth does not dissolve quickly? Heat energy always flows from a highest temperature to lower temperature.  The temperature of the ice block (0 degree Celsius) is much more less than the temperature in the surroundings (30 degree Celsius).  So heat from the surrounding flows to the ice block causing it to dissolve.  When ice block is covered in a wool cloth, it prevents the temperature from flowing to the ice block.  Because, wool is a bad conductor of heat.  It stops the flow of heat energy.  Some plastics, thermocol, poly urethane films also do not allow the ice to dissolve quickly.

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