

How will giant water bug catch its prey? | How will it protect itself from other animals?

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Posted on: October 3, 2010

How will giant water bug catch its prey? | How will it protect itself from other animals?

giant water bug We can’t bear the pain when a giant water bug bites and this is biggest insect. It is up to 10 centimeters in length and it has a liquid in its mouth. When it bites, it releases the liquid which is very powerful and makes the muscles and cells stop working. We can’t work for two weeks after the insect bite. It can fly fast and swim also. It lives in the water mostly and eats the other insects and fish. It is very intelligent in catching the prey. It stands still on any plant without moving and when the prey comes, it just releases the poison on to it. It looks like a dried leaf on the plants and the prey could not know this. When any comes near it to eat, it just falls down and acts as dead one. The people in Thailand eat them and they are very costly. When this insect enters the water, it can’t breathe and so it just takes in the oxygen through thin pipes which are attached to its body. The female insect lays 100 eggs at a time and the male insects carry those on the wings for 6 weeks to protect them. They are mostly found in America and Canada countries.

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