

How did the dinosaurs get extinct? | Changes that have occurred during the period of extinction of dinosaurs

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Posted on: September 22, 2010

How did the dinosaurs get extinct? | Changes that have occurred during the period of extinction of dinosaurs

dinosaurs There was a big blast before six and half crore years on the earth when a large planetary body collided with the earth. The speed of this body was more than 20 times the speed of the bullet in the pistol. It was about 44,640 kilometers and the energy equal to 100 crore nuclear bombs was released in the collision. The area up to 100 kilometers wide and 30 kilometers depth was affected due to this. The scientists had declared that the dinosaurs are extinct due to this collision and they proved it also. We all know that the dinosaurs move all around the earth and they were on the earth since 16 crore years. There were large animals like crocodiles, birds etc and with the help of their skeleton, the scientist had given many facts about them.

They had given the information about their food and habits. They all were extinct before 6 crore years and there was no information about them. To know what had happened to them, the scientists from various countries formed a committee and started research on the changes in the seas and earth. They have gathered the information and material for 20 years and came to a conclusion after the research. They had said that the collision took place near the Mexico and many changes had taken place on the earth. The sky was red for few hours and there were tsunamis, earth quakes and volcanoes. Due to this many animals and plants had died. They had been changes in the nature and the sky was covered with clouds and was dark. They were a snow age on the earth as there was no sunlight and the birds and mammals which had lived at that time developed. The man was next generation after them.

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