

What factor helps a flea to jump very long distances when compared to its size without having wings?What factor helps a flea to jump very long distances when compared to its size without having wings?

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Posted on: April 5, 2011

What factor helps a flea to jump very long distances when compared to its size without having wings?

fleaAt last Scientists have succeeded in finding about the mysterious jumping ability of fleas without having wings. Fleas normally live in the hair and on the skin of humans, dogs and other animals.

These insects consume blood from animals by inserting the pipe shaped organs of mouth. The existence of fleas on earth was from more than 16crore years. There are more than 2000 kinds of fleas on earth now. They can live without food for several months.

These insects have a size about 2mm but they can jump for a distance of 13 inches and to a height of 7 inches. This jumping ability is miraculous and thus made scientists to put their efforts in finding out the secret behind it. A human has to jump for a distance of 1000 meters in order to reach the flea’s jumping ability.

Scientists have finally successfully recorded the motion of super fast flea by the help of hi speed digital cameras. Fleas produce an elastic protein named Resilin which gets deposited in thumbs of its legs. Thus it shifts its weight on to toes and releases at a sudden which results in its displacement.

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