

Enrico Fermi was awarded Nobel Prize in 1938 for Induced Radioactivity | First Nuclear reactor was made under his supervision

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Posted on: November 11, 2010

Enrico Fermi was awarded Nobel Prize in 1938 for Induced Radioactivity | First Nuclear reactor was made under his supervision

Enrico FermiFirst Nuclear Reactor which allows utilizing the energy stored in the atoms was designed under the supervision of Enrico Fermi in 1942 at Chicago, America.  He was awarded Nobel Prize in the year 1938 for his Induced Radioactivity.  At the age of 19 years, he invented statistical method to analyze sub atomic particles.  These particles are called Fermions, and the method is called ‘Fermi Statistics’.

Enrico was born on 29 September, 1901 and showed interest in mathematic and physics from a very young age.  He obtained his doctorate from Pisa University at the age of 21.  He pursued his higher education abroad with government scholarships and was returned to be appointed as a professor in Rome University.

Nucleus of Radioactive substances release electrons continuously.  This process is called ‘Beta Decay’.  Enrico Fermi announced that this is because of Weak Nuclear Force.  Electrons and Neutrinos are involved in this.  Neutrinos are also named by him.  Enrico also discovered to produce artificial radioactive elements from the irradiation of neutrons.  He was awarded Nobel Prize for this invention.  Basing on this experiment, it was proved that by splitting the nucleus of Uranus element, energy could be released.  This process is called Nuclear Fission.  Nuclear Reactor is designed to use to control this energy and utilize it for the benefits of humankind.

Fermi National Laboratory, Fermi Gamma Ray Telescope, Fermi Nuclear Generating Station and Fermi awards were started after Enrico Fermi.  Fermium element in the periodic table, Fermi level, Fermi (10-13 cm) which is used in nuclear science was also named after him.

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