

Dinosaurs are the biggest animals which lived on the earth | Argentinosaurus is the biggest dinosaur among all the dinosaurs which lived on earth

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Posted on: January 2, 2011

Dinosaurs are the biggest animals which lived on the earth | Argentinosaurus is the biggest dinosaur among all the dinosaurs which lived on earth

Dinosaurs are the biggest animals which once lived on earth and scientists are still not having correct idea of the dinosaurs. They are continuing their research on dinosaurs. The five biggest dinosaurs are argentinosaurus, sauroposeidon, spinosaur, quetzalcoatlus and liopleurodon.

ArgentinosaurusArgentinosaurus: Argentinosaurus is the biggest one which the scientists have found till present day. The length of the dinosaur from its head to tail is 130 feet. Its weight is 110 tons. It is having big body, long neck and small head. It is having a single backbone and it eats only plants. Argentinosaurus lived in South American forest before 10 crore years.

SauroposeidonSauroposeidon: Sauriposeidon is the second biggest dinosaur and it is somewhat smaller than argentinosaurus. It weighs from 50 to 100 tons and it is the tallest dinosaur. It will be 40 feet high along with neck. Fossils of sauroposeidon are found in America in 1994. They lived in Gulf of Mexico before ten crore years.

SpinosaurusSpinosaurus: The weight of Spinosaurus varies from 7 to 20 tons and its height varies from 41 to 59 feet. Mouth of spinosaur is similar to the mouth of crocodile. It swallows non-vegetarian food and it can expand its skin. Spinosaurus lived in North Africa before ten crore years.

QuetzalcoatlusQuetzalcoatlus: Quetzalcoatlus will be in the form of bird and the height of its wings is 45 feet. Scientists are estimating that the weight of this dinosaur will be 90 to 220 kilos. It can fly in the air and it is the biggest among the animals which can fly. Few people are saying that it can’t fly due to its weight but there is no correct opinion about this dinosaur. Its nose is very sharp and fossils of this animal are found in 1971 in Texas State in America.

LiopleurodonLiopleurodon: The mouth, wings and body shape of liopleurodon are similar to the shark. This dinosaur lives in water and it is 40 to 50 feet in length. The weight of this dinosaur is 30 tons and scientists had estimated its weight. They are estimating that this dinosaur lived 15 crore years before. Fossils of liopleurodon are found in 1873 for the first time.

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