

CNG used in vehicles reduce pollution

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Posted on: March 1, 2011

CNG used in vehicles reduce pollution | Methane is main component of CNG

CNGChairman of Environmental Pollution Control Authority (EPCA) has declared that three hundred and fifty city buses of Hyderabad city in India would run using Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) with in a few days.

CNG meant compressed natural gas. It is a organic compound gas. Methane is the primary component of CNG. Hydrogen and carbon are at less percentage in CNG. Although CNG is a fossil fuel, it does not release harmful gases as that of petrol and diesel. For that reason, environment does not get polluted much by using CNG.

In many developing countries CNG is used in the vehicles to reduce the environmental pollution. Also CNG is much economical than petrol and diesel.

CNG can also be used by mixing with biogas. Then the amount of carbon in the atmosphere decreases and thus reduces the environmental pollution.

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