

What Happens if there is Change in the Speed of the Rocket that is Launched?

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Posted on: May 23, 2011

What Happens if there is Change in the Speed of the Rocket that is Launched?

Rocket that is LaunchedSpeed is determined to launch a rocket. According to this speed only the rocket must travel. After rocket starts travelling with determined speed the time taken to reach a moon is calculated. For these calculations, there is specific methodology. What happens if rocket misses the calculations? There is no chance to conclude that the rocket steps down at some other point on moon.  If there is no specific speed for travelling of rocket there is a chance of missing the target point.  Because universe is very vast. To escape the gravitational force of earth, rocket needs to travel with 42000 kilometers of speed from the earth. After this to reach moon it has to travel with a speed of 1250 kilo meters. moon also rotates around the earth with a speed of 3836 kilo meters per hour. So the distance between earth and moon is 52800 kilo meters.  That’s why there is a necessity of monitoring exact speeds of earth, moon and rocket by scientists. Above this there is a necessity of changing the speed of the rocket from 3000 kilo meters away from the moon to withstand moon gravitational effect.  There can be a difference of seven hours in landing on moon if there is a difference of 2 kilo meters or change of one degree in travel direction of rocket.  Sometimes rocket may not land on the moon at all.

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