

Why animals need not to brush their teeth? | Animals have a long and rough tongue to clean their teeth by licking

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Posted on: November 5, 2010

Why animals need not to brush their teeth? | Animals have a long and rough tongue to clean their teeth by licking

animal teethDon’t animals need to brush their teeth? Kids do not like to brush their teeth.  They argue that animals also do not brush their teeth and they do not have any dental problems.  Then why should human beings brush their teeth daily?  Yes, Animals do not brush their teeth.  Even then they do not suffer from bad breath or tooth decay.  Because, animals do not have the habit of eating many varieties of food like human beings.

All vegetarian animals eat leaves and grass that contain fiber and so their mouths are clean.  Non-Vegetarian animals eat raw meat that does not cause any damage to the teeth.  The teeth of animals are very big and close to each other.  Their tongues are long and rough.  Animals always lick the teeth with their tongue and the teeth are cleaned by this.  The salts present in the saliva of animals also prevent tooth decay.  So, animals do not need to brush their teeth.  But if human beings do not brush their teeth regularly, they will suffer from tooth decay and bad breath.

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